Pressure in any way while facing an unexpected pregnancy is not pleasant. No one should make you feel like abortion is your only choice. The final pregnancy decision is ultimately yours to make, and you don’t have to let people pressure you along the way.
Talk in a safe place today at Informed Choices Women Center, where we listen to you without pressuring you into a particular decision. Your say is the final say.
You Feel Overshadowed
One of the sure signs you’re being pressured into an abortion decision is feeling out of control of the situation, overshadowed by opinions, and not listened to.
While your family and friends may share their concerns and input, making you feel small or powerless is never okay. If you feel that way, a person may be indirectly or directly pressuring you into abortion.
Your Safety Feels At Risk
Some forms of pressure are indirect, but others are direct and clear. Never second-guess your gut, and get immediate help if your safety feels threatened, verbally or physically.
If you think that your safety is at risk, call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline right away. A representative can help you find the necessary resources to get to safety.
You Have the Final Say
Remember that no one can steal your power unless you let them. You deserve the education needed to make a fully informed decision for yourself. Create the space you need from those pressuring you into abortion, and talk to us today.
Schedule a no-cost and confidential appointment today to get your pregnancy options questions answered and find more clarity about your pregnancy details. Feel equipped and empowered to make a pregnancy decision.
You are not alone, and we are here to listen.