No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

An unexpected pregnancy can invite numerous questions, concerns, and fears. Any outside pressure you feel to make a specific decision can make this situation even more challenging. If you don’t want to be pregnant, consider all your options. Abortion is the only option for terminating the pregnancy. Parenting and adoption mean you’ll carry your pregnancy

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

When you have an unexpected pregnancy and are considering abortion, you may feel you have the information you need to decide. However, receiving an ultrasound and options information are critical steps.  Speaking to Informed Choices Women’s Center can provide the clarity you require to move forward. Continue reading to learn more about how we can

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Recovering from an abortion can be difficult, especially if you experience adverse mental health effects. The National Institutes of Health states that issues like depression, anxiety, and feelings of loss or grief can occur in some women. These may be mild or severely impact daily life.  First, be kind to yourself during the recovery process.

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

You likely have questions if you’ve recently learned you’re pregnant, even if you’ve already made a pregnancy decision. You may wonder if you need medical care or can access no-cost resources.  The good news is that specific steps can be taken to protect your health and give you accurate information. Informed Choices Women’s Center is

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Navigating your pregnancy options can be emotionally and physically draining, especially if you’re doing this for the first time. You may be unsure of the options you have and the support available to you.  We’re here to clear up any confusion and help you better understand whether abortion or adoption may be right for you.

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

An incomplete abortion is just one of the risks associated with a medical or surgical abortion, though it can also occur after a miscarriage. This condition requires medical treatment, so don’t delay seeking help.  Symptoms to Look Out For Incomplete abortions occur when some of the pregnancy tissue remains behind in the uterus, and they

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Abortion is a major medical decision with real consequences. Though many talk about the physical implications of abortion, little is spoken about concerning the emotional risks.  It’s imperative that women are informed about these risks so that they can make the best possible decision for themselves. Continue reading to learn more about what could be

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Finding out you’re pregnant can be scary, and learning about your options can seem overwhelming. You’ll want to be sure you receive accurate information about your options, including abortion, adoption, and parenting.  If you are thinking about abortion, you’ll want to learn about the different types of abortion, including medical and surgical abortion. Knowing more

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering abortion, understanding the risks is important to safeguard your health and safety.  Abortion is a permanent decision that terminates a pregnancy, and the associated risks depend on the type of abortion.  Read on to learn more about the different types of abortion and the related risks of

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Is Abortion Painful?

The abortion experience is unique to each woman that goes through it. Whether a woman finds an abortion painful or not is dependent on several different factors. Individual pain tolerance The procedure used Medication used Complications Medical Abortion In a medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, a series of drugs are taken to

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